Saturday, December 12, 2015

Another trip to Thornton

Well, I changed my moving date to January 18 and 19 so there's a little more breathing room

I still haven't heard from the VA with the burial expenses I am entitled to but I did get a letter from the VA that they are working on the claim and I should hear soon.

I'm going up to Thornton on Monday (taking Coco) to be there for an appointment on Tuesday (getting a garage door opener installed) and an appointment on Wednesday (getting cable, internet and telephone).  And my friend Tony is going to bring his contractor friend over to see what can be done to "cat-proof" the ledge around the loft.

Things are moving along.

But I'm having more and more Afib episodes and that's getting me down.  My next appointment with the cardiologist is February 1 and I believe the medication will need to be adjusted.  I am just not ready for surgery yet.

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