Friday, September 11, 2015

Learning to shoot

First of all, I still haven't heard from the VA except for their letter telling me they are backlogged and I need to be patient.  SIGH....

I have decided that living by myself out in the middle of nowhere requires a gun in the house.  (Plus I had a little run-in with the new neighbor and it kind of unnerved me.)  So today I took my first shooting lesson.  I have a neighbor who gives classes so I went down to his house.  He started out with 30 minutes of getting familiar with the gun.  I can't remember the caliber of gun I was using but I know it was a revolver.  I must say that I did pretty good.  Afterwards, he gave me my target showing my shots and said I should tape it to my front door with a note saying "Confident Woman With Gun Lives Here."  Ha!  I really need to work on that "confident" part.  I will eventually buy my own gun, but for now I'll just go to his house and use his.

Before I left he brought out his shotgun and gave me a short lesson on it.  I fired it and it felt like it was taking my shoulder off.  I wasn't too crazy about it.

Last year Marshall had bought a fancy ATV -- one of those 3-seaters with a small storage area in the back. It kind of looks like a Jeep.  He got it so that we would have something to use to get out of here in case there was a wild fire that we couldn't escape with our car.  It has enough room to hold two adults and all three animals in their carriers.

Well, a few months ago our county approved the use of ATVs on our county roads and in town.  So I got my permit for the ATV last week and tomorrow I am driving it -- along with some neighbors -- to a restaurant about 12 miles down our county road.  It's a fun vehicle so it should be a fun ride.

Marshall would have loved it.

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