Wednesday, September 16, 2015

ChampVA Insurance

Well, my initial experience with the ChampVA supplemental insurance did not go well.  I needed to get my prescription for chemotherapy cream, so I looked at the VA website to see what pharmacies work with them.  According to the website, the Walgreens that I've used for years as one of the pharmacies that would accept ChampVA.

So I went to Walgreens (50 miles away) only to have the pharmacist told me they don't accept ChampVA.

So I found a parking lot where I could get on the internet with my cell phone and looked up pharmacies and started calling.

I found a small pharmacy called Fox Drugs and they said if I brought them the prescription they would call the VA and see if they could make it work.  So I drove the 10 miles over to Fox Drugs and they called the VA and the person they spoke to said that the only way they would cover this prescription is if I had Medicare Part D.  Huh??  This is just not making sense.

So because I don't want to mess around with skin cancer, I said I would pay the $127 myself and then see if I could get the VA to reimburse me.  If this is what ChampVA is going to be like, I'm going to go back to my original plan of getting a company like Humana.  It's nice that ChampVA is supposedly free but I guess I'm just not in the frame of mind right now to jump through all these hoops.

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