Monday, August 13, 2012

VA Benefits

Today Marshall met with Amber, his VA representative, and she told him that she has been researching the issue of permanent disability (benefits guaranteed for the rest of his life and if he dies before me, then they continue being paid to me) as opposed to temporary disability (benefits guaranteed for six months and then re-evaluated and if he dies before me, benefits would continue to be paid to me only if he died of a service-related disease).  Amber thinks he doesn't have a chance of getting his disability rated as permanent, but they are going to give it a shot.

And Marshall is now entitled to a $10,000 life insurance policy which he will be looking into.  As it stands now, he would not be considered insurable by any other company, so this life insurance policy would be very welcome.

He's been feeling pretty good the last two days -- no pain, just fatigue -- and chomping at the bit to get that Harley back home!

Greenhouse:  the green beans have died out, the zucchini never did do anything, the cucumbers still look like they might produce, the tomatoes have been coming in nicely and we are enjoying some of them every day, the peppers are doing beautifully and we are having them every day as well.  The carrots look like they are almost ready to harvest.  The cantaloupe plant has vined out and has lots of flowers but no signs of melons yet.  And the basil, oregano and parsley are threatening to take over their corner of the greenhouse.  I had no idea how great fresh basil would be.  Next month we will start our winter experiment and plant lettuce and spinach and see how it goes.

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